24 Useful Tips Before You Buy Any Gadget

1. Decide what kind of gadget you want. Mp3 player? Digital Camera? Brand New Laptop? Maid Robot? Or just Home appliance for decorate your flat?

2. Check what feature you need. Ex: If you want to buy a cellphone, what activity do you do most? If you just use Cellphone for Sms and make a call don’t waste your money to buy the expensive one with lots of feature but you won’t use any of them

3. Make a list contain 3-5 choice. Then write the pros and cons each one with many factors like feature, price, technology, and design. In the last line, answer the question : Is this gadget fits me?

4. Look down to your wallet. Don’t push so hard to buy the expensive gadget if the budget don’t really friendly.

5. Even though you buy offline, check the online store like http://www.amazon.com that has many testimonials. http://Www.Cnet.com is the great place to see the review too.

6. Look at the gadget sales. If it’s high, so it’s really popular. If you love trends and want to buy gadget with good reputation, buy it. But if you don’t want to look same with most people, avoid that product

7. If your friends have the same one, just give it a try. Borrow at least 30 minutes enough to make the second impression.

8. Ask the net if you need second opinion. Yahoo! Answer is great site to ask.

9. Check the warranty. If your gadget break in one days, you know where to claim it

10. Rethink the design. For some people, it’s important. But if you want the function, don’t stuck with beautiful-designed gadget

11. If you lack of money, you can wait for several month until the price drops. Gadgets price usually go down, only few of them get the price higher. But don’t wait too long, or you will miss it!

12. Buy the second hand gadget? I don’t think so, the gadget life is too short so it will easily break if you buy it.

13. If the plan to buy it comes in nearly-end season just wait until the season changes, because in new season many companies release new products.

14. Year end sale is good, but don’t waste your money to buy something you don’t need.
15. If you plan to buy online, check the site’s reputation. There are a lot of fake site out there and sell something fake (usually the rare item and sold in very low price)

16. If you buy console/ handheld, check which game you like release its copy. You won’t buy PS3 if you love Zelda game, aren’t you?

17. Don’t be shy to call the company who produce it. Collect more information is a must.

18. Love limited product and want to be the only one who have it? Think to buy it imported from Japan. They like to make lots of limited products, and so many limited version gadgets there. But you have to provide more money for the same product.

19. See the review at the magazine. Make sure the magazine you read is fair (don’t receive money from the manufacture to write something good about the products)

20. If you buy the home appliance electronics, make sure it fits your house. Why waste money if you don’t have storage to save it?

21. Look if it’s operated with rechargeable battery or not. Gadget which needs non rechargeable battery can waste your money. Remember how the first Game Boy Advance waste our money because it needs 2 AA battery every 4-5 hour play?

22. Look the case/ skin material. Better material is good for the life of gadget

23. For the one who love design or easily bored, it’s really recommended to choose gadget
which have custom skin or have many 3rd party company create skins and accessory for them

24. Check the compatibility with your OS if the gadget need to contact with computer via USB/ Infrared/ Bluetooth. Especially if your OS is non Windows.

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App Branding 101

Do you know what it takes to have a successful App? Most people believe they have a great grasp on this concept, but in reality they’re missing the basic fundamentals of mobile marketing. Skipping the basics when it comes to creating an App might be the difference between growing profits and staying stagnant.

Here’s how to successfully brand your App;

Consider App pricing. If you’re a business, your App should be free. If you’ve developed a game or some form of entertainment, your App pricing should stay below the $3.99 marker.

Do research. Look at Apps that compare closely to the one you want developed. How many times has it been downloaded? What is the star rating for the App? Check out the competition. If they have a large number of downloads, customers love their App and you should consider designing something that is similar in functionality. Also look at the star rating. Any App with less than four stars isn’t likely to be utilized by customers often. You also want to look at this App so you know what elements not to include when designing your own.

Can your App sell directly? Yes, you want to make sure your call-to-action is easy and upfront on your App. Can someone purchase services or goods easily using your App? The chances of someone reading about your product via their phone and then logging on to a desktop computer later to buy are slim to none. You want to make sure you have a clear, concise call-to-action in your App branding with a checkout feature that is easy to use.

Finally, do you want a sponsored App? This is an App you create but endorsed by another company. Basically, some other company is paying you money to put their branding on your App. For entertainment ventures, this is a dream come true. If you’re a business selling products or services, not so much. You want to make sure you consider if a potential advertiser has a conflict of interest with your company before selling any branding space or sponsorships on your App.

One last thing to consider when developing an app for your business is the actual brand incorporation. Some companies opt to go with a plain appearance because it is more cost effective when it comes to the design. While this might be true, you’re losing branding – an important element of App development. All the major corporate players continue to grow because they pay attention and invest in details. When moving forward with App development and even App advertising, consider the details for a better and more responsive result.

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Will the Android Tablet Surpass the Apple iPhone?

The question on everyone’s mind is if the Android tablet will surpass the Apple iPhone? Many experts and lay people feel that the Android tablet is already taking Apple by surprise. The Android tablet is a highly innovative and cutting edge device that is sweeping people off of their feet. Here are some quotes that seem to back up the idea of Android zooming past the Apple iPhone:

Android is definitely is a hit out on the market and it is getting a lot of attention.
A strong comparison between Android and Apple will take place.
Android will continue to move in on Apple’s shadow
Apple has dependability that cannot be matched.
Android is more diversified.

Also, even though it seems as though these two phones are so similar that they are almost alike, if you look a little closer look you can see some definite differences. Apple is the maker of the iPhone so it just stands to reason that they have a few advantages here, but also Android is powered by Google’s hardware as one of their options. But if you are looking for a simpler phone Apple would be your best bet.

Apple also offers way more apps than the Android. Even though Apple tends to bit too strict when it comes to what apps they will allow on their iPhone. Google however is a bit easier going when it comes to what apps Android can have. Many critics have said that they feel there is far too much attention put on the fact that Android is so accepting of applications.

Another aspect about Apple that makes it such a great option is the fact that they have become gaming leaders. Some people have predicted that Apple may even surpass companies like Nintendo and Sony in the future. They have become a superior platform for tens of thousands of cool games.

Both of these cool phones of course have internet capabilities and are both equipped with built-in GPS. Android has an advantage here in that it offers turn by turn spoken navigation. The iPhone doesn’t run a Flash program, although android boasts of the fact that it does. Even though in some respects this is a major plus some people have said the Flash program doesn’t run very well on Android’s tablet as it should.

In summary, if you are into having tons of choices, then android is the best phone for you. Android works with four major US phone carriers although iPhone is only offered on three. Even though many people love having so many innovative options, if you are looking for a simpler make of iPhone that will hold a charge Apple continues to be the winner hands done. Check into the two of them today online and see which one would interest you the most. It is all a matter of personal choice and style.

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How Social Media Can Make Your Business Grow Rapidly

There is an undeniable connection between the success that many companies have been able to have in the last six years and the popularity of the social media platforms. It’ s almost been a decade since the web 2.0 came out, but the truth is that the popularity of these networks hit a truly remarkable number about six years ago and ever since then it has helped many business owners get a large number of clients for their products and services. Social media has become so essential for success in the modern world that it no longer seems to be a luxury for business owners to adopt.

There are many social media pages out there that can be used for the purposes of marketing and promoting any business, but the main thing that you need to consider is that they all serve very different purposes. You have to become an expert of how each of them plays a very different role in the way a business markets what they are offering. Once you are able to do this you will start to see very good results, but you need to learn by trial and error or by hiring someone who can guide and mentor you in the way this whole social media marketing business works. The main difference is that by hiring an expert you will avoid months an even years of frustrations that come from going out there without any knowledge.

You have Facebook as the main and most useful platform in regards to the amount of traffic it gets. There is no other social media page that gets as many visits on a daily basis and this is one of the main reasons why it should be the first platform that you join. It can act as the social media headquarters for the rest of your pages and content. You can then mix things up by creating a Twitter account so that you can give your audience very quick messages with valuable information about the business and updates.

You should also create a YouTube channel and get as much quality video as you can. This can range from explainer videos to testimonials from satisfied customers. When you do this you will be getting a lot more credibility and building a solid brand. You could also open a Pinterest account to pin content that your audience will be interested in seeing or reading about.

LinkedIn is also a choice that you should consider to be one of the most important in your entire arsenal of social media pages. The reason for this is that no other network has so many professionals who are looking to network with other professionals too. This makes it a very special place to join because you know that everyone who goes in there is looking for a way to expand their business and form alliances. This is why LinkedIn is such a valuable place to join.

I have only mentioned the most popular networks available but there are also many others you need to consider. You should also think about the value of all the social media networks that are exclusively used with mobile devices. Instagram is a great example of how social network apps are becoming so important and useful for internet marketers all over the world. You need to study all the possibilities carefully and determine if they are useful and helpful for your line of business. Once you do that, you will be on the read to a much more successful future.

The best thing about social media is that when you learn how to use it for business, you can implement strategies that will benefit all kinds of online business models. Let’s say for example that you are into multi-level marketing. You can easily build a huge recruitment list by going into social media and interacting with people. You could let them know about the great advantages of being part of a network that you work with and you could post photos of your personal success in order to get more people interested.

There are many success stories from affiliate marketers who have also joined social media networks to promote all kinds of products and services of third parties and they have managed to make large sums of money doing this. The reason why social media works so well for this kind of business is that if you have good social skills you will never have any problems communicating with people and networking with hundreds and even thousands of individuals who might be interested in any of the products that you are selling as an affiliate marketer.

The same goes for any other kind of online business that has a god reputation and people will find interesting. There are others who monetize social media without even having a business, but they do this by offering people a blog with valuable advice on all sorts of topics ranging from Business information to relationship tips. Those who can come up with creative content and have a convincing way of expressing themselves on text are going to be successful as long as they are consistent.

Another thing to keep in mind is that social media is in constant change and this is a very important reason to make sure that you can keep yourself updated on the kind of work that you need to do in order to succeed with any network you use.

Using social media is something that you need to consider at all times and it will really expand your way of thinking. You can find all the success you need in order to make substantial income online if you can master the art of using social media properly. This is a completely different world and the competitive nature that it has is only reserved for those who can accomplish great things with it.

There is no room for mediocre content if you want to stand out from the crowds and this is why I always emphasize that you need to make sure that quality is always above quantity in you social media interactions. This is the best way to ensure that your business will grow steadily and you will be able to get the most out of all the efforts you put into networking on the most popular platforms available today.

Update your information as often as needed and also update your graphics according to the kind of promotions and discounts that you might be offering. If you have noting new as far as your product line goes, then my suggestion is that you always keep things fresh by updating your page depending on the festivities of each month. This is just an example of how you can stay relevant even when the ideas are not flowing and you have no new material to show to people in your feeds.

There are many ways to use social media for business and we have just mentioned some of the most basic and popular methods to get the most out of these networks. If you haven’t started your social media campaigns I suggest you begin today!

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